If it doesn’t feel like it, it’s not it

It’s extraordinary what some of us can put ourselves through, at the promise of “love” that we wouldn’t come even close to undergoing for anything in work, friendship, creative projects or community.

It’s because promises of “love” sort of assume half the construct is already complete: the other person’s half (them “loving” you)…

As it is meant to be both a means and an end, and its own reward, it’s hard to imagine one would give false promises about having their half completed. In friendship, community, creativity it’s understandable that someone might ask of us more than they themselves are willing to give, because there can be benefits like a favour to be reaped before they’ve put in the work. It’s hard to imagine that it’s worth lying about wanting love. Because, if you don’t have your half of the love already complete when begging for it, what is the value in receiving it from the other, complementary half?

Unfortunately this is so banal, and already reductive, that there’s not much analysis to go into.

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