For personal suffering to become one with public suffering, and vice versa

When ones personal world is invaded, and attacked, a public crisis can’t reach a person to injure them, the way it does others. They are desensitised to it. When one is singled out for retribution, a mass crisis stands out for its benefit of allegiance.

To suffer restrictions or undeserved punishment cannot bite as deeply as a solitary experience of the same.

To know that your neighbour, as well as brethren a cross the world have a fate (to some extent) similar to yours, can shed a softer light on that fate. Some people, of course are still suffering on both levels: the deeply personal and the public, in parallel. The first could be domestic violence, abuse, complex post traumatic stress disorder, hunger, poverty and the list goes on. The public suffering is common..a state of unpredictability, a lack of control over one’s life, restriction on movement, and the incapacity to earn- in many cases.

The brightest silver lining of this public crisis (which I personally think, in essence, is the inevitability of heightened state control over public and private life), is that the world as a whole may become sensitised to the concept of suffering beyond one’s control. And that sensitisation MAY bring about a greater awareness, promoting a mass consciousness, and hence a pulling Together to address the world’s problems multilaterally.

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